Digital Library of Tingkhong College, Tingkhong, Dist: Dibrugarh contains both subject and general reading books, Newsletter, previous year question papers, research papers of faculties, college publications, presentation, syllabus and other form of contents. All data arranged on the basis of subject and department which helps user to easily identify the data.
Communities in DSpace
Choose a community to browse its collections.
A. Tingkhong College Digital Library Admin
It includes the details of the library professional responsible for the maintenance of the digital library
B. Tingkhong College in News
This community includes newspaper clippings and other media
C. Tingkhong College Publications
This community includes the publications published by Tingkhong College.
D. Question Papers
This community includes question papers of all subjects affiliated to Dibrugarh University
(E) Department of Economics
It includes faculty details and activities of Department of Economics, Tingkhong College.